Why work with a stranger on something so personal?

Why work with a stranger on something so personal?

Vows are the deepest of deep when it comes to feelings, emotions, and intention so it might feel strange to think of involving someone else in the writing process. And not even just someone else, but total strangers! We understand you may be here with some hesitation so let us tell you our top 3 reasons it just makes sense to allow us to come on this journey with you.

thismanifestedlife vow writing

1. This is what we do.

Helping couples, just like you, take the words of their heart and get them on paper is quite literally our job. But more than that, it's what our souls and skills were called to do. We've realized we were given specific strengths for a reason and have worked hard to really focus in on them. 

You came to our site for a reason, right? Are we correct in saying that putting your love into words may not be your strength? We want to take the dread out of trying to get those words perfect and instead give you the opportunity to simply feel and remember all the things you love most about them. 

2. We're a neutral party

Have you ever tried to talk about your relationship, your fiancé, or just your life in general? Of course, you have! That's what we do, it's our way of connecting to others - sharing our story and letting them share theirs. During these conversations have you ever found yourself censoring what you say, picking and choosing only the things you think that person will agree with, approve or, or not think are weird? We have, for sure.

One of our favorite parts of this experience is that we come in strangers. This means that we have no stake in your game at all. We come in with a fresh slate and completely ready (and excited) to learn about your love - the good, the bad, and the things you may not feel comfortable telling anyone else. 

3. We bring out the best

We've worked really hard to find the sweet spot between taking too much time and not enough questions - between too many questions and not enough questions - between formal and casual and we believe we've found it. These are the most important words you'll ever speak to your partner, and your love deserves some really purposeful focused time thinking about them. But also, the reality is, is that most of us don't have weeks on end to bask in the goodness of all the things we love about each other. 

Because we are strangers, we do need some thought put in ahead of time which is why we include a card of 10 carefully thought-out questions. By thinking about and jotting down a few scribbly notes ahead of time you'll come into the call open and ready to talk with your love story at the forefront of your mind. Through our easy conversation, everything we need to craft your perfect vows will come pouring out.

thismanifestedlife vow writing
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