3 Easy Ways to Celebrate your Dad

3 Easy Ways to Celebrate your Dad

If you ask us, the words we speak and the time we spend are two of the greatest gifts we can give someone else. This Father's Day, what if your gift to your dad stemmed from those two things? We've put together an easy list of really meaningful things you can do with/for your dad to celebrate the man he is in your life.

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1. Get outside

Have you ever met a dad who doesn't love to be outside in the fresh air?

Your dad will love anything you choose because he knows the most important thing about the day is spending time together just enjoying each other's company.

Father's Day cards

Grab a blanket, a few snacks, and go find some live music - lace up your tennies and go for a walk - Drop in a line at your favorite watering hole


2. Take over

Is there something your dad always takes care of?

This is the perfect day to take those responsibilities from him. Not only will he be able to relax for a bit, but he'll know that you see and appreciate the small things he does for you every day.

Father's Day cards

Make him breakfast - mow the lawn - put the gear away after a day of fun


3. Tell him

Words have incredible power but sometimes we don't always know how to say them.

That's where our Father's Day cards come in. We take care of putting your feelings on paper and leave just enough space on the back for you to add a personal message. We challenge you to think of 3 things your dad has taught you and write those there. Knowing he's impacting your life will make him feel so special. 

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